In the movie Little Miss Sunshine, the Hoover family's oldest child, Dwayne, is a sullen boy with black hair, straight but messy, and very pale skin. He doesn't say a word until the movie is nearly over.

In the movie Horton Hears a Who, the mayor of Whoville's oldest child, Jojo, is a sullen boy with black hair, straight but messy, and very pale skin. He doesn't say a word until the movie is nearly over.
The two characters look and act so much alike that I have no doubt that the resemblance is intentional. A better question is whether anyone was supposed to notice. Little Miss Sunshine and Horton Hears a Who do in fact share a certain audience: parents.
I never realized that
I saw Little Miss Sunshine for the first time last night, and I've seen Horton Hears a Who twice now. I noticed that the two characters were very alike but I didn't realize why. :] Thanks for posting this.
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